A List of Some of the Common Options in the vimrc file

Search Options Most Commonly Used:

set hlsearch - highlight search words

set ignorecase - ignores the case of the items being searched

set incsearch - incremental search option meaning it will search for partial words and not the entire phrase

set smartcase - automatically switches to case sensitive with capital letters are used

Some Performance Optimization Options:

set lazyredraw - don't update the screen when executing macros

set encoding utf-8 - set encoding to include unicode characters

Text Rendering Options:

set syntax on - turns on syntax highlighting which is useful for writing code

set linebreak - don't wrap a word to another line but rather keep the word whole

set wrap - set wordwrap to on

User Interface Options:

set ruler - adds the cursor position to the bottom right corner of the screen

set tabpagemax = 45 - sets the number of tabs that can be opened to 45, you can of course set it to as many or as little as you want

set colorscheme dark - you can set colorschemes to whatever you want. You may want to google a few to see what you may prefer

set noerrorbells - disable bells on errors

set visualbell - don't beep but rather just flash the screen

Some More Options:

set spell - turn on spell check

set history = 875 - increase the undo history or decrease it by inputting a lower number

set hidden - hide files in the background instead of closing them

set backupdir=~/var/backup - sets up a backup directory